Sleep Cool

a one-of-a-kind wool filled pillow that keeps you cool while offering unparalleled performance. Try it risk free with our 30 NIGHT SLEEP TRIAL and FREE SHIPPING!


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We Start with The Best Wool In The World: Joma wool from New Zealand

What Makes the Good Wool Home Pillow the Best in the World?

Our pure New Zealand wool pearls are made of 100% Joma Wool® and are uniquely processed to create the perfect cooling filling for bed pillows. Joma Wool® has 40 to 50% more volume versus regular wool, making your pillows more lofty and supportive but still extremely soft, cozy and comfortable.

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Facts You Didn't know About Wool

The Natural Choice

  • - Environmentally Friendly
  • - Protecting Animal Welfare
  • - Pure & Sustainable

All of our Joma Wool® is sourced with genuine care for the animals and the environment. Our wool is gently shorn from grass-fed crossbred sheep that freely roam across some of New Zealand's most remote farms.

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Best Temperature Regulation

Wool is the natural temperature regulator

Wool is an exceptional insulator, cooling you in the summer and warming you in the winter. Wool gradually creates stable microclimates with the temperature change, providing a less interrupted, more restful sleep.

Superior Moisture Control

Wool innately absorbs moisture, helping you sleep more dry and comfortable. A wool fiber structure has millions of microscopic air pockets that capture up to 30% of its own weight in moisture vapor--ten times as much as any synthetic fiber.

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A recent study by the Woolmark Company concluded that

"Wool is not an allergen"*.

Wool fibers trap and hold tiny dust particles as well as harmful VOC's (volatile organic compounds) resulting in less allergy causing particles in the air. Fewer irritants to cause respiratory distress is great news and makes the Good Wool Home pillow a great choice for asthma and allergy sufferers.

*ActaDV, "Debunking the Myth of Wool Allergy: Reviewing the Evidence for Immune and Non-immune Cutaneous Reactions" March 22, 2017

Healthy Home

Dust mites thrive in hot humid conditions, but wool’s breathability reduces humidity and keeps temperatures from rising, making wool bedding ideal for allergy and asthma sufferers. In addition to its breathability, wool is also naturally flame retardant

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A Truly Bio-degradable Pillow

At the end of its useful life, wool can return to the soil where it decomposes in as little as 3 to 4 months and releases valuable nutrients into the ground. In contrast, synthetic fibers or foam products have a land fill life of hundreds of years.

Renew Your Good Wool Home Pillow

The wool pearls are easily freshened up by simply laying in the sun, and/or placing in a dryer for up to 20 minutes. For a deeper cleaning of your Good Wool Home pillow, dry clean only.


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